Designed by Sori Yanagi, one of the most renowned industrial designer in Japan and made by TOYO SASAKI GLASS (TSG). TSG was created in 2002 by the official merge of TOYO GLASS and SASAKI GLASS, two of the oldest and largest glassware manufacturing companies in Japan, established in 1878 and 1902 respectively. Combining both company's tradition, technology, and extensive network, TOYO SASAKI GLASS has become Japan's leading glassware manufacturer today. Made of soda-lime glass, the rim of the sake cup is rounded and thickened for a smoother touch. Features delicate lines and details, as Sori spent two years perfecting his design to create a glassware that is instantly recognizable as a sake glass. Dishwasher safe, but highly recommend washing by hand. Not heat-resistant, please do not pour hot water and use for cold sake only.
2.7" DIA x 3.1" H
6.8 cm DIA x 7.8 cm H
4.4 fl oz / 125 ml
Dishwasher ○